Jake wrote:

How did that turn out lol??!
It actually worked out quite well in the end luckily enough. I'm a little sketchy on the finer moments, and the early half of the board was lost in the server crash :/ so I can't be certain exactly. I'm sure Chaste & Whorelina will correct me on some details..
Apart from the three of us (PK, Nay & myself), the rest of the tribe was Chaste, Whorelina, Shannips, Benry & Fabio. Between us we did everything we could to convince the three boys that Chaste and Whorlina were screwing us all, and that they had the idol between them, and that they needed to be first out.. and um.. it might have worked? IDK for sure, at the next TC we all banded together to boot the inactive LimpyKelly (kinda hoping Chase might play his idol out of paranoia but he didn't). Then before we got to see another TC there was a mutiny event (not like this game, just a one-off) Chaste/Whorlina jumped tribe pretty fast (Taj was Chaste's secret partner and in control on the other tribe). Shannips, fearing he was now on the bottom jumped aswell. Then my own secret partner Chet, and Benry's partner Darrah jumped from the far side to our tribe.
Which left us in a comfortable majority with a kinda loose, me/PK/Nay/Chet majority and Benry/Darrah/Fabio minority (although Nay was considering flipping in retrospect), but we never got to see if she would, as we went on a tribal immunity streak until the merge, and ended up banding together as a tribe due to being up in numbers.
<3 Good times
Now if your really interested, you can follow the rest of that game starting here;
http://z13.invisionfree.com/TiomanIslan ... wtopic=104But like I said, the first half of the season was lost due to Server crash. Also, the tribal boards are pw protected but anything from the merge on is on that board - just make sure that you tweak the bottom of each subforum to allow viewing old topics "from the beginning" instead of the "past 30 days" or you will miss half the fun.