Just on the old write-ups, a lot of them were lost for good when the server crashed last Season. There are still a few dotted around like so;
http://stranded.immunityidol.net/greece/Peru301.pdf ..but I'm not even sure if there is a full Season's worth.
So let me tell you a little about Ted's Mutiny & the Ken boot with an
Episode 02 Sneak Peek behind the scenes. I'm not really teasing you Ryan, as between the lot of you you already know the guts of this jigsaw, you just need a few missing pieces, and to put them in the right order;
Jake could probably fill you in on how he, Ted & Brian were aligned together by the time the Ken vote rolled around. Jake would have liked to add Ken to this as an all-male majority alliance, but the only real way he could have bought the time to do this, would have been to target Jan at their first TC, which Jake didn't want to do, because Jake & Jan both are absolute sweethearts. <3
(This most likely wouldn't have become a functioning alliance anyway. What with Ken suspicious of Ted taking clues, and Ted needed a scapegoat to hide the fact that he had actually taken two clues himself, and a lot of people on the tribe already being suspicious of Ken as the second clue-taker anyways.. ..well let's just say Ken & Ted were never going to be best of pals.)Jan could tell you how herself and Erin had a pact together to look out for each other, and that plays a part in Ken's boot aswell. The specifics of exactly what other alliances & pacts were in place on Helios at the time will remain a mystery for now for game purposes, but know that keeping the vote off of Jan that round keeps Erin happy, and that Ken was not really officially aligned with anyone.
Back to Ken, who can tell you just how much he distrusted Ted, and how in the hectic voting period he tried to change the common consensus 'Jan' boot, into a 'Ted' one. No-one is really biting, but he tries to recruit Jan, Helen, Brian & Jake to the cause. The same Brian and Jake that are already allied to Ted.
In the confusion Ken assures Jake that Brian is indeed voting Ted (despite not even hearing back from Brian), and Jake immediately PMs Brian to find out if this is true.
The title of the PM reads "Are you for Ted?"Ted hears about Ken's attempts to rally support against him, and quickly turns the votes against Ken instead of against Jan. (Jan will tell you how even her - the sole 'Ted' vote - was supposed to be one for Ken only she rushed it). Bu-Bye Ken
But back to that fateful PM. It goes back and forth between Jake & Brian where Brian tells Jake he has no intention of voting Ted and wants either Jan booted, or Ken out for Ted's sake.. and then that same PM morphs into the threeway alliance PM between Ted, Jake & Brian.
But the PM title remains the same.Now Ryan can fill you guys in on the reasons Ted gave for mutinying to Asteria - how he didn't really bond with anyone on Helios, and the two that he did stuffed up and sent him a PM by accident that indicated they were planning his demise. And I can tell you that
these reasons are 100% truth from Ted's PoV. They are what Ted believes happened - even though neither of Brian or Jake were planning any such thing
So now Ted is planning to jump ship at the next opportunity anyway, so when Penny et al suggested he could become a Trojan Helios, and use the idol to blindside Rob he used that as his excuse to tell Helios why he was jumping (and a reason for them to not tell Asteria about his idol too). He just neglected to tell Asteria about his idol or the reason Helios thought he was there for. This way he could jump to Asteria, and see if he fit in anywhere. And sure if he didn't, well he could always pull of the Trojan Helios plan and jump back in a round or two.
How he got on when he landed on Asteria beach and since that point will have to remain
And yes, he took a clue the night he left aswell, disadvantaging Helios in the challenge was a move on his behalf to ensure he would stand less chance of having to go to TC/wasting his idol and to buy a little more time to settle in.