Brenda wrote:
If you get time over the weekend Dan, could you rankdown the players left in the game, and a few lines on each, on whatever criteria suits you?
I'll just go alphabetically...
Brian: Just like the real Brian, he seems slimy. I suspect he's been running the show on Helios this entire time.
Christy: I like her a lot, but I feel she may be too close to Rob, and word has been getting around that Rob might flip on us and vote with Helios. I'd like to work with her and take her closer to the end but I'm not sure how.
Erin: She has a keen, tactical mind. I both fear and admire her. She should be one of the early targets for Asteria.
Helen: She's kind of an idiot. Not much else to say.
Joanna: She's my number one best friend in the game and I trust her more than anyone else. I'd love to take her to the end. I think I'd stand a chance against her.
Penny: She's actually really sweet...or she's playing up her sweetness in order to get me to flip. She's adamant in wanting me to vote with Helios.
Rob: He is an enigma. I'll never know what he's going to do, and for that reason. I wouldn't mind him getting booted at 8th or 9th.
Shawna: She overplayed FARRRR too early this season and it might cost her. She needs to take her game to the slow lane because if she keeps playing like she has, she's going to get swallowed up by the big dogs (Brian, Rob)
Ted: He's cool with me, but I can't help but worry that he's going to flip as well.
There's just so many factors to take into consideration! This merge has been a shitstorm so far!