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Re: Welcome, Jeanne!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:35:04 am 
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Had Rob not mutinied to Helios. I was getting ready to try and put together a team to take him out. Once he jumped, I felt like my only choices were you or Daniel. I had no pull with Joanna or Christy though. I thought Dan would be fully onboard, based on board comments. But it turns out, he is in an alliance with Rob (which basically came out in tonights tribal council).

I was asked during tribal council, if Rob could be trusted anymore. I said "no, I am too skeptical of a person."

And Rob said something to the effect of "I mutined to get info from the other board, because i am smart", to which I responded, "If that was your plan, how come you never shared any of this info, before tribal council, and dont you think it would have been wise to let you tribemates know this before flipping?!" He said, "maybe just you didnt know..."

to which Dan basically added that he did in fact know, and he was sorry (to me). So Dan and Rob are aligned in some way.

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Re: Welcome, Jeanne!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:41:07 am 
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Ted probably isn't someone you should trust with any plan to be honest. Sooner or later, people are going to find out he is playing all sides.

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Re: Welcome, Jeanne!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:44:22 am 
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Hey Jeanne, welcome to the LL, I think you'll find it's a lot less stressful & devious in here. icon_cool Sorry I wasn't here to greet you last night, but it was a long one and at 5am my time I just had to crash.

I obvi can't say too much about the game dynamic yet, but much like Ryan, I think you just had too slow of a start. By the time you got to grips with how much PMing is actually required in a game like this, there were already some bonds made that you just couldn't get in on. The connections you did make were just not strong enough or not the right ones icon_no

You said you feel you got the boot because they feared you, and this is right to an extent, people were afraid of how much of a wildcard you would be come the merge, whether your feud with Rob might endanger their own plans (which is kinda BS in itself because you had *the* most team-player mentality of anyone on Helios). But you can put me in that boat too, I was dying to see how you'd effect the merge and where that feud would go icon_surprised Ugh, one more round Jeanne and you could have been epic.

As it stands you did have a massive effect on the game whether you know it or not, were a distinct character, and easily learned more about how to play in your short time than anyone here, gj! icon_wub


So anyways, hope you'll bring your unique style to the LL by hanging around & commenting on the game as it plays out.

Who do you want to see crash & burn? (lolRob, I don't even have to ask)
But who are you rooting for?

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Re: Welcome, Jeanne!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:52:16 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:03:38 pm
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Thank you for that. (I will add more to this in a bit)

I want Rob to be GONE!

I think (at this point) I want Shawna to win.

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Re: Welcome, Jeanne!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:34:28 pm 
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Jeanne wrote:
Trust me, I wish I had pushed harder with my original plan to get rid of Dan, and add you to the alliance. I think Joanna, wanted you out more then Christy.(but I cannot be sure of that.) I felt you really wanted to play the game, whereas, I felt like Dan was not as enthusiastic. But the reasoning behind your ousting, was showing up late, and over-scrambling? possibly.

"and over-scrambling?" I`d love to her more about this. Is that just what you think or what others maybe said a little about. I honestly didn`t scramble hard enough I felt. Any1 think I`d flip at some point or something?

Also did Ted give any indication he would`ve went with the supposed plan if you and Shawna did? That`s what I`m wondering the most. I know it didn`t really get past Shawna from what you said because she wanted to keep Daniel. But what did Ted say about it? Because he seemed to bite his tongue to me so I figure he had to talk to you guys about it.

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Re: Welcome, Jeanne!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:49:19 pm 
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Other tribemates were telling me, you were messaging a lot, and I take it that they spoke with each other and compared notes, because I basically received messages that said "he is digging his own grave". Maybe I am mis-interpreting it.

As for Ted. He seemed ready to go either way. But in retrospect, I have no idea if he was ever really with us.

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Re: Welcome, Jeanne!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:51:21 pm 
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Hey Jeanne, Welcome to the most Awesomeness Loser Tribe ever icon_chaos

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Re: Welcome, Jeanne!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:13:30 pm 
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Jeanne wrote:
And Rob said something to the effect of "I mutined to get info from the other board, because i am smart"

lol I wonder if he realized that everything Helios said to him on the welcoming thread was a lie. A tight Ken and Ted alliance icon_blink
I doubt that any members are pming him and telling him tribe secrets also, pretty sure he doesn't know anything

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Re: Welcome, Jeanne!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:16:09 pm 
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Jake wrote:
Jeanne wrote:
And Rob said something to the effect of "I mutined to get info from the other board, because i am smart"

lol I wonder if he realized that everything Helios said to him on the welcoming thread was a lie. A tight Ken and Ted alliance icon_blink
I doubt that any members are pming him and telling him tribe secrets also, pretty sure he doesn't know anything

I agree Jake. If only we could buy him for what he is worth and sell him for what he thinks he worth icon_wink

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Re: Welcome, Jeanne!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:32:30 pm 
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Jeanne wrote:
Other tribemates were telling me, you were messaging a lot, and I take it that they spoke with each other and compared notes, because I basically received messages that said "he is digging his own grave". Maybe I am mis-interpreting it.

As for Ted. He seemed ready to go either way. But in retrospect, I have no idea if he was ever really with us.

I don`t think you are mis-interpreting it. I think they wanted you gone more than me at the time but didn`t like that I was pushing to keep you maybe. I really can`t wait to read Brenda`s write up when this is all said and done.
I wonder how good Shawna is in with some of the others though. Because honestly I thought Joanna and Christy wanted you gone. So I really didn`t push it with them. I mentioned something about liking you to Joanna early in the game, at that time hoping to build something with you and her as a core because I had spoke to her the most at that point. But she didn`t seem real receptive to that at all. The only person I pushed hard to keep you to was Shawna. I didn`t feel I could pitch it to Joanna/Christy any and obv not Daniel. I thought if the others were tight maybe Shawna wasn`t as tight with them and would work with us icon_mystery

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