Episode 06I'm still really split when it comes to Asteria. I love The Bitches of Eastwick alliance, but I despise Daniel and Jeanne now. I don't get why Jeanne is the underdog. I've pretty much done a 180 when it comes to her. She's so stupid and pretty much put herself there. Like Ted said, she's the Asteria Ken. No alliances? She had like two extra days with people, how did she end up in such a horrible position? Her reasoning for not wanting to flip is retarded. At some point, you'd think Daniel and her would wake up to their position and want to make a move. Instead, we ended up with two more Ryans. Absolutely hopeless. Oh and Joanna's confessional still make me laugh. She's either on a high, and talks about how dumb everyone else is, or she is pouting and talking about how everyone else is dumb.
Helios is still the better tribe for me. I'm so depressed for them though. I almost don't want to like them at this point because I know what they are in for soon. They basically have no chance come the merge. If Rob mutinies back, which he likely will, they'll have a huge uphill challenge just making the merge with four people. It's downright depressing and it's making me hate Ted so damn much. He was in a great position there until he became a dumbass. I understand he is in a great position now (only because the majority of the tribe is brainless) but at least he could've been in a great position with a great tribe.
Why Penny is still hoping he will flip back is beyond me. I hope they drag the bastard down with them by revealing his "plan" and his idol. Not until they are sure he won't vote with them at the merge though.
Joanna [ ]2.
Brian [ ]3.
Helen [ ]4.
Shawna [ ]5.
Penny [ ]6.
Erin [ ]7.
Ted [ ]8.
Christy [ ]-- Gap --
Rob [ ]10.
Jeanne [ ]-- Gap --
Daniel [ ]