I would say I got blindsided as well! It was played that way anyway no 1 told me other wise and everyone told me what I wanted to hear. I can`t say it caught me 100% off guard because I know a lot of factors had to come together for me and I had been talking to a lot of people. Also certain people quit talking to me as much, and Ted didn`t give me any real indication he was willing to work with me. A comment/answer from Christy and Joanna made me think I was probably going to. Jeff asked one if the person going home tonight knew it was them and she said "nope" and Christy made a comment about challenge performance when asked about her challenge blunder in the last challenge(which was real interesting in light of Rob`s mutiny). So I knew I was in trouble and actually asked Jeff if he had that cool flash ready(it didn`t work at our first TC) because it would make a potential blindside feel better or something like that. I loved the flash btw Jeff!
About that challenge though. Rob mutinied and 3 idol clues were taken. Our 1st 3 challenges 3,1,1 clues were taken and now 3 again.
You guys saw what the challenge was I`m guessing (code breakers) well they got 3 of our colors to start with.
I thin our colors were black pink yellow orange red w/ them knowing 3. In our challenge discussion thread it was almost set to go for Jeanne to be caller, Christy is like everyone cool with Jeanne? Then is like well I can do it to or whatever and Joanna says she thinks Christy Shawna agrees its Christy(maybe Shawna is with them?) Anyway the strategy they come up with is to guess our code first. Rob instantly copy and pastes the answer pretty much and adds a "too" to it. And bam we lose

I mean even if we were going to guess our answer why do it first? Why not see if that`s what they are doing?
I guess I don`t got many questions I can think of right now. I been reading up on all these threads and a lot of questions have been answered. Pretty interesting stuff. This is probably more fun than the game.