Brenda wrote:
Where is Daniel?
Quick show of hands, how many people think he 'pulled a Cochran'?
I do, too.
Penny wrote:
thats how I knew so quickly to pull the Alphabet Deadly Sins challenge before the challenge was actually even presented to us.
You need to re-read that thread (or have the staff do it for you) because you're taking credit for one of my plans again.
Jeff Probst wrote:
I have a general question for the jury... what the fuck with Tribal Councils. This was probably the most strategic group i've ever hosted, but also the most boring in terms of drama at Tribal. Maybe because you were all hiding something each council since there was a blindside at like 6/7 postmerge councils. What the fuck, it was like pulling teeth! Anyone want to talk to me as to why you were so quiet?
I think everyone was afraid of revealing something that they weren't supposed to. I most certainly was.