Helen wrote:
Penny wrote:
It was your stupidity and gutlessness that allowed the Idol to survive past the first round of the merge.
I don't know if you realize it, but Rob forwarded me all of the messages that you were sending him. Telling him "If I were you, I would play your idol tonight <33333333 oh, oops, you're my rival, probably shouldn't have told you that, I guess I just don't want the rivalry to end haha" is NOT how to get him to play an idol. It gets him to think that you're a fool.
I didnt want him to play the Idol. Those messages were unnecessary, if you'd actually had some guts, you would have voted out the person with the Immunity Idol when I actually suggested it so many times.
How many times did Rob play an Immunity Idol? How many opportunities did we have to take him out?
No guts, no glory. I showcased plenty of risky moves this season, you refusing to vote Rob on the offset he might have an Immunity Idol sums up your game completely. You didnt take initiative, you didnt make any moves, you both relied on me carrying you to the end before you would team up and slag me off in front of the Jury to just make sure I didnt win.
You dont care about winning, you only want to stop me from winning, and your answers tonight prove that lol.