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Re: Final Tribal Council - Part 2
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:05:59 pm 
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Okay. Thank you, Ted.

Next Up, we have: Joanna!


Re: Final Tribal Council - Part 2
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:06:38 pm 
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Wow congrats guys. You came into the merge with the odds stacked against you and were able to take advantage of my tribe members when you needed to (much to my dismay :( ) and come out with a solid Helios final 3. I’m only going to be addressing Penny and Helen tonight.

Penny! Wow I knew you were a gamer but every post you have made so far in this thread has me seriously fanning myself. You know we didn’t really talk all that much during the game but I knew that was because I wasn’t a part of your plan, and you definitely weren’t a part of my plan, so I appreciate you keeping the bullshitting to a minimum. I am amazed at how hard you had to work for your tribe. I think creating the fake division and leading a dumbass such as Rob to believe it and he comes back to Asteria to tell everyone, was probably the best move of the game. And you thought of it, so kudos. I also like how you have emotion, personality, and humor, three characteristics the other two severely lack. It made me feel comfortable to talk to you the few times we did talk. I honestly think you SHOULD have this in the bag, but some of the members are still wavering on the jury. I think just because Helen built this persona that she is a “great player” shouldn’t be the reason she should get votes. You intentionally kept your strategic mind under wraps while Helen didn’t bother, and now you’re at risk for being seen the emotional and unstable player to Helen’s calm cool collected which simply isn’t the case at all. Basically I think you’re doing phenomenal so far so keep fighting. Just the fact that Helen/Brian feel like they need to gang up on you, shows how awesome you’re doing.

So I just have one quick question. Final 4, I look back now and see you had no real intention of trying to get Helen to lose and hopefully voting her out, so why bother PMing and implying that that was what you wanted to happen? I just kind of saw that as a lack of respect on your part, because there was no reason to lie to me at that point.

To my dear Helen. No questions, just comments. You know I can’t help but smile watching Penny slowly rise from the ashes in this FTC and watching you continuously fumble. This whole game, you were incredibly condescending towards me and all the other Asteria members. I honestly did not believe you were legitimately serious with some of the things you said to me. I could not get through your PMs without rolling my eyes roughly 10-15 times. It just amazes me how one person can be so rude, disrespectful, and conceited. You are void of any kind of emotion to the point that you came off as very unlikable. Remember when I was discussing with you that you needed to keep me because you probably wouldn’t be able to beat Penny? You didn’t agree to go with me and I asked if it was out of loyalty or because you seriously thought you could win. I know unfortunately that it was the latter. You were so cocky going into this but you now spend the majority of your time fighting against Penny and what she is saying rather than showing what you’ve done. You’re constantly on the defensive which looks really, really bad on your part. Penny should kill you with the votes hands down. Thank you for playing, choose your final three wisely next time, and don’t let that inflated ego get in the way. :)

Best of luck to all of you! <3


Re: Final Tribal Council - Part 2
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:07:42 pm 
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Joanna wrote:
I’m only going to be addressing Penny and Helen tonight.



Re: Final Tribal Council - Part 2
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:08:53 pm 
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Penny wrote:
Trusting Ted was a tactical error which I identified at the very beginning and you refused to see.

Ted was FAR more loyal to Brian and I than he was to you in Erin. After he was voted out, even Christy and Rob admitted that he seemed closer to the two of us than anyone else. He was taken out because the path he wanted to take to get us to the end was too dangerous and relied on his vote too often.

Penny wrote:
You admitting that you were targeting me this early just dampens your strategic game even further. You had the entire merge to take me out if you really were against me. You didnt and you have no excuse. I did not have Immunity.

You seem to assume that just because it was advantageous for us to target an individual in one round given the current setup and numbers that it is necessary to target them EVERY round. I'd assume that you claim that because you targeted Rob every round because you were too blinded by the need to eliminate him. Others didn't have to do the same thing because others didn't unnecessarily initiate a personal rivalry against another player (and take pride in it, no less) thus needing to do the damage control that you did in trying to take him out against the best interests of others.

Penny wrote:
I never had Immunity, why didnt you vote me out if you knew I was such a threat?

You CLEARLY misunderstand who Katie Gallagher is. I never called either of you a threat. And that's why you weren't voted out.

All you're doing is repeating the exact same thing over and over again even though it defies the very response that I gave you just one post beforehand. This is the same way that you approached strategy with us, when all three of us (me, Brian, and Erin) shot down one of your plans, and you'd copy/paste it to us again and go through with it anyways. Which brings me to my next point...

Penny wrote:
Christy wrote:
You kept Asteria's best strategic player in the game for far longer than was necessary. You were scared of his Immunity Idol and I had to verbally bully both of you in order to vote him out when eventually was.

You kept Asteria's best strategic player in the game for far longer than was necessary. You were scared of his Immunity Idol and I had to verbally bully both of you in order to vote him out when eventually was.

icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol

It may not be what the proper Asteria tribal dynamics are.

But put yourself in my shoes with no prior knowledge. There was no doubt Rob was a powerful player in Asteria Tribe politics. To me, after talking with him, he struck me as a very powerful strategic player. But this was just my own personal viewpoint.

Once again this may not be the truth, but it is what I had assumed during the game. I targeted Rob as my personal strategic threat and thats why I pushed hard for him to go home.

To Christy: hopefully this allows you to get an idea of just what kind of a grasp Penny had on the dynamics of the other players in the game, and how that affected the misguided strategies she forcibly implemented that we both have provided contrasting views of.


Re: Final Tribal Council - Part 2
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:14:24 pm 
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Jeff Probst wrote:
So I just have one quick question. Final 4, I look back now and see you had no real intention of trying to get Helen to lose and hopefully voting her out, so why bother PMing and implying that that was what you wanted to happen? I just kind of saw that as a lack of respect on your part, because there was no reason to lie to me at that point.

Come Final 4 I had every intention of trying my best to beat Helen. As ive already pointed out, my timezone is different to you guys, so I actually wasnt online much when Helen really got going and built a substantial lead. You'd know from watching that I started with everyone else and kept the pace, but I had to leave while the rest kept going.

When I arrived Helen had roughly 6000 posts and I couldnt catch her even though I wanted to. I tried to bluff Helen to keep her to a total I could reach, to her credit, she didnt buy it and set a target I simply couldnt reach.

I did message you prior to this as I had every intention of voting with you to oust Helen. You'll note though, that once I had surrendered to Helen's mammoth total, I did PM you and say I would probably be voting you out, since I needed Brian at my end game.

I hope this answers your question. Thank you so much for your support! I've really done my absolute best this game so I loved reading your comment and know that you respect my game. I cant imagine how much it would suck to be eliminated at the Final Tribal Council, for you to have such an unbiased and controlled comment I think really shows your maturity and your level headedness. I wish we could have been allies. Maybe next time. icon_wub


Re: Final Tribal Council - Part 2
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:19:58 pm 
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Joanna wrote:
I think creating the fake division and leading a dumbass such as Rob to believe it and he comes back to Asteria to tell everyone, was probably the best move of the game.

There seems to be a disagreement here. Even though Penny claims to take credit for this plan, it was something that Brian and I devised while working to get Rob to throw the F11 IC for Asteria. We were the ones messaging both Penny and Erin with explicit instructions on how to respond to Rob's messages to convince him that Brian and I would be endangered in the event of a loss. That was the origin of the plan, and it came from us working with Rob.

Joanna wrote:
To my dear Helen. No questions, just comments. You know I can’t help but smile watching Penny slowly rise from the ashes in this FTC and watching you continuously fumble. This whole game, you were incredibly condescending towards me and all the other Asteria members. I honestly did not believe you were legitimately serious with some of the things you said to me. I could not get through your PMs without rolling my eyes roughly 10-15 times. It just amazes me how one person can be so rude, disrespectful, and conceited. You are void of any kind of emotion to the point that you came off as very unlikable. Remember when I was discussing with you that you needed to keep me because you probably wouldn’t be able to beat Penny? You didn’t agree to go with me and I asked if it was out of loyalty or because you seriously thought you could win. I know unfortunately that it was the latter. You were so cocky going into this but you now spend the majority of your time fighting against Penny and what she is saying rather than showing what you’ve done. You’re constantly on the defensive which looks really, really bad on your part. Penny should kill you with the votes hands down. Thank you for playing, choose your final three wisely next time, and don’t let that inflated ego get in the way. :)

I apologize that I came off that way to you guys. I never intended to be rude, disrespectful, or conceited in the way that I treated you. Completely aside from the game and strategy, I will absolutely take your criticisms to heart and try to use them to better myself as a person. Thank you for your honest.

On the topic of final three, it's completely alright. I've said all along that my intention was to make it to the final to be judged by a jury of peers, and if they determined that I didn't deserve to win the game over one of the other finalists, then fair enough. If Penny outperforms both Brian and I in jury votes, then she has my accolades. And although the outcome may (or may not) have been different if you were sitting here instead, I'm still satisfied with this, because this entire exercise was intended to be a learning experience for me, which is why I want my game to be judged against others at the end, whatever the outcome, to weigh how well I actually performed.

Thank you for your insight and critique, and whatever the verdict, all the best.


Re: Final Tribal Council - Part 2
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:27:07 pm 
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Helen wrote:
Ted was FAR more loyal to Brian and I than he was to you in Erin. After he was voted out, even Christy and Rob admitted that he seemed closer to the two of us than anyone else. He was taken out because the path he wanted to take to get us to the end was too dangerous and relied on his vote too often.

Ted was playing both sides and kept his feet in both the Helios and Asteria ponds. Ted would have flip flopped all the way to the finals and I knew this from the very start of the merge. You chose to vote out Daniel, who was completely loyal to us, ahead of Ted, who was a double agent.

Helen wrote:
You seem to assume that just because it was advantageous for us to target an individual in one round given the current setup and numbers that it is necessary to target them EVERY round. I'd assume that you claim that because you targeted Rob every round because you were too blinded by the need to eliminate him. Others didn't have to do the same thing because others didn't unnecessarily initiate a personal rivalry against another player (and take pride in it, no less) thus needing to do the damage control that you did in trying to take him out against the best interests of others.

But who did you target? Lets look back at the first three Tribal Council's of the merge.

1) You targeted Shawna, which only succeeded because I managed to get us the extra vote we needed.

2) You targeted Daniel, the person who had flipped from Asteria and was voting with us.

3) You targeted Ted, the person you yourself was trusting more than me and Erin according to your words.

Your game was completely full of back flips. In the first three Tribal Council's you knowingly targeted two members of our alliance at the time. You said you trusted Ted so much so you voted out Daniel, but then you decided to vote Ted out next. You really didnt have any idea strategically in this game. The members of old Asteria were eliminated due to my strategic game, Shawna because I got us the extra numbers, Rob because I convinced him to change his vote. Your strategic moves were eliminating two people who were at the time, voting with us.

Helen wrote:
You CLEARLY misunderstand who Katie Gallagher is. I never called either of you a threat. And that's why you weren't voted out.

So if you're such a strategic player and you think I am not, you must assume you're going to walk over the vote tonight. Are you willing to admit to the Jury that you expect to win this in a landslide?

Helen wrote:
To Christy: hopefully this allows you to get an idea of just what kind of a grasp Penny had on the dynamics of the other players in the game, and how that affected the misguided strategies she forcibly implemented that we both have provided contrasting views of.

At least I was actually making moves against Asteria members. Maybe Rob wasnt the strategic player I thought he was, but I backed in my judgement and targeted him to better my own game.

You've openly admitted that you trusted Ted more than myself. Yet given the ample amount of opportunities you've had to eliminate me, I sit here at the finals. The Jury knows given the opportunity, I would have voted you out. I have an excuse as to why you're sitting here, whats your excuse?


Re: Final Tribal Council - Part 2
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:29:46 pm 
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Alright, next up we have everyone's favorite lone wolf:



Re: Final Tribal Council - Part 2
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:37:22 pm 
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It's not my turn yet, Jeff.


Re: Final Tribal Council - Part 2
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:38:45 pm 
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Rob, don't make me skip you.


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