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Final Words
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:57:44 pm 
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Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:41:11 am
Posts: 795
Damn, so close. Sorry to see you go. You are definitely an all-star of this season icon_biggrin

Tell us your experience, regrets, fond memories, bonds you hope to keep outside of the game, who you hope to never see again... We want to know it all! If you would do it again, what you would do differently, etc...

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Re: Final Words
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:57:29 am 
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Joined: Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:53:21 pm
Posts: 886
Dammit Christy. Srsly.

Know that you're the only player in the game that was taken out for being a massive threat. Had you made F3, IMO you would have won against any two of the F7. You wouldn't even have had to show up icon_biggrin

So sorry Rob's stupidity screwed you so bad. Twice.

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Re: Final Words
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:56:25 am 
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Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:02:09 pm
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Brenda, that makes me feel good icon_wub although I really don't get it, because I wasn't extra-social, I didn't make any move aside from the idol, but damn, that's not a move icon_laughing

k, final words:

I had a blast playing. Although pre-merge was little boring for my taste (especially early on), the moment Rob mutinied the fun begun, and post-merge was just absolute crazy. I wasn't in control, but I'm better off as an underdog anyway. icon_laughing
I'm kind of mad at Rob, for completely ruining my chances. The one mistake we kept making was trusting Helios too much - and when the time came he trusted them once again. I feel like had Rob made it through the F6, he would've realized that our best chance is against each other, and I would've won. That would've been such a GREAT ending. Props on Helen on winning immunity so many times...ugh. But she will make a deserving winner. Especially over Brian.

I'm really grateful I was a part of this game, and I think I managed to deliver enough. The F7 TC will go down as one of my favorite TCs ever. Not just because of the idol, but I loved how we asked each other. I have to tell you, I only started that so I could fish for some info about the target that night. Good times.

I don't know who is completely new here, and who is not, but I really hope I have the chance to play again with whoever plays Joanna, Rob, Ted, Penny, Helen (but I REALLY think I know who she is icon_razz) and Shawna. I think Shawna fessed up that it was her first game - I see a really bright future for her. But of course I'm most excited for Joanna. I wouldn't necessarily call her, but she's very close to my heart. I hope that her whole persona wasn't a facade though icon_laughing

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