I probably won't be playing the idol tonight. Dynamics have changed greatly since the last round. Specifically, it seems as though now Joanna's position has shifted slightly towards Helios, but Helios still wants to vote her out and flush out the Asteria idol from Rob or Christy, who they suspect have the idol. Penny has said that she wants to vote out Joanna first, and then Daniel, although this was only relayed to me by Helen, and I don't quite know whether or not to believe anything Penny says at this point. I'm highly suspicious of her, and I feel that's justified.
If we get rid of Joanna and Daniel, it will mean there's only two Asteria votes left. Hopefully I can use them to my advantage.
I already compared Daniel and my flip:
Ted wrote:
I don't consider Daniel an Asteria or a Helios. I think he's just a wandering Asian without a tribe. His flip is just so irritating to me. He has done nothing in this game to deserve flipping. If he were to flip because he met some injustice on Asteria, then I could understand. He flipped because he has no relationship with any of the Asteria members, and that's on him. He is the one that failed to approach people, and he is the reason he's on the outs. He doesn't have relations with people because he doesn't try in this game. That is why I don't respect his flip, and that's why I want him out.