Brenda wrote:
Partnership or rivalry?
Well, we already have a rivalry, don't we?! We've been doing a lot of talking and I think I've convinced her to help the Asteria 3 take out Helen. Will she bite? Probably not. But if she does, I'm in the F3 for sure. The question is, with whom?
Brenda wrote:
Is it still Asteria all the way, or who would you like to be sitting against at FTC? Who do you think you can beat? Is there anyone you wouldn't mind losing to?
As of now, I think I'd like to be there with Christy and Joanna. But, if Penny follows through with the plan to boot Helen, and Christy is unimmune at the might be tempting to boot Christy and sit in the F3 with two people who I'd have a really good chance of beating.
Brenda wrote:
Why is Christy good relationship material?
Because I

Brenda wrote:
How was Erin playing up to the Jury?
You've seen the say she's been answering questions in TC. She's being very inoffensive and non-confrontational with her answers.
Brenda wrote:
What has Helen done to 'deserve' to win?
I didn't say she has
Brenda wrote:
What makes Joanna a goat?
As hilarious as she is and as much as I love her, she hasn't really done anything. If she makes a move for herself in the next few rounds, she won't become a goat, but as of now her actions have been totally dictated by myself and Christy.
Brenda wrote:
Why was Brian never your answer? Is he just not standing out in any category?
He's boring.
Brenda wrote:
Did any of the group's answers to the challenge last night surprise you?
Not really.
Brenda wrote:
Has your opinion of their perception of yourself changed since?
Not really.
Brenda wrote:
I've asked you this before, but I'm sure it changes as the rounds go on (and could easily change depending on the manner of your exit/talking to other jurors/FTC performance) but who would you vote for to win of the other five right now?
A one through five list if you will.
Jesus Christ, stop asking so many questions.
1. Christy
2. Joanna
3. Penny
4. Helen
5. Brian
Is where it stands right now.