Stranded in Greece |
Episode 13 |
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Author: | Taj [ Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:03:06 pm ] |
Post subject: | Episode 13 |
With the finale so close, what will you be looking for tomorrow? What's the plan to bring with you to the FTC now that Christy is gone? |
Author: | Helen [ Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:09:50 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Episode 13 |
Come on strong at the getgo, and allot myself enough of a lead over the others that me having to be out for 3-4 hours isn't going to cause me to fall behind, especially with Penny's advantageous time zone since she gets to see what I do tonight before deciding what she's doing during her nighttime. Can't give in to Penny's attempts to have me let her win, and show her not through words but through actions that it isn't worth wasting her time. I'm going to go to bed in an hour or so once I have a 6000 post (or approximately 6 hour) lead, but going to leave my computer up on the "Who is online" page which automatically refreshes to make Penny think I'm still around to scare her away. Challenges notes (for convenience): Double post on 2838 Missing 4288, so restart at 4288 after 4500 |
Author: | Brenda [ Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:16:42 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Episode 13 |
Is a Joanna boot tonight a foregone conclusion then? |
Author: | Helen [ Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:50:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Episode 13 |
In my mind it is. I still want to try to quell her for the time being, so that she doesn't approach Penny with someone she actually gets her to believe. I'll also explain to Penny why it's beneficial to her for Joanna to leave, since Joanna would take votes from Penny whereas Brian and I will split votes. It might be a 2-2, but I'm more inclined to say 3-1. I still think that I have better odds against Penny than against Joanna, but I'm only sure of Ted's vote, to be honest, and my gut tells me that Christy/Joanna would also follow him. I'd need to count on Asteria convincing Shawna, Rob not being bitter/hypocritical, or Erin's vote (who said when she left "my jury vote is up for grabs" which makes me think she's my best shot). |
Author: | Brenda [ Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:12:49 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Episode 13 |
Grats on immunity! |
Author: | Helen [ Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:20:35 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Episode 13 |
Thanks! Did you post something about "using my immunity necklace" for barter and then deleted the post? If so, my answer is NO WAY JOSE. I've worked this hard to get to this point, and don't trust Penny to take me out if given the opportunity. Her keeping Brian over Joanna is a much easier decision with far less personal loss to fall victim too. Not to mention, it looks like Joanna/Penny conversation has ceased for the evening, so I don't think that there's anything I need to do to secure a Helios final. |
Author: | Brenda [ Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:33:47 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Episode 13 |
Oh you did see that My point was that I've been following your various PMs and you seem to fear a Joanna/Penny team up (or a Joanna/Brian one), and have you considered using your immunity necklace to save whoever. But then I started to second guess myself as to whether that was putting ideas in your head. But I guess you saw it anyways :D Curse your gamebot ways! But ty for the answer all the same. Can I just say before TC starts that I've enjoyed talking game with you in here, and I'm sorry I couldn't be more of a chat partner but the trouble of hosting is that no matter what I say, you will take it as a comment on your game - subliminally at least (watch as you now mull over the deleted comment above :D ). I did consider keeping a "replies for Helen" thread running i the blog area but I knew I'd never keep up with you :P We *will* talk game afterwards though. Not this game - though probably that aswell - but just game theory in general. You have some intruiging viewpoints that directly oppose mine. Annnnywho, good luck at FTC, you've played a helluva game. <3 |
Author: | Helen [ Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:35:54 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Episode 13 |
Rites of Passage Butch I never spoke to you, and it seemed like you getting voted out was a result of lack of dedication and inactivity. I guess that's all I can say. Ken I really do think that you left before your time. Your conversations with others may have been infrequent, but they were better than a lot of other people in the game. I didn't connect with you until the day of your departure, and I wish that I had been able to do something to keep you around since I felt closer to you than Jake or Jan. But, with Brian/Penny, it wasn't in the cards for the long game, and the suspicion about you taking idol clues (which may very well have been true) certainly didn't help. Nonetheless, you seem like a great person, and I hope no hard feelings. Jan You were funny! Although I don't think you realized it. Some of the most (frustrating, and yet) entertaining moments were you trying to figure out challenges, like wanting to guess Ted for seven deadly sins over and over again even when he wasn't participating. You seemed very nice though, but you leaving was a result of needing to keep Helios strong for a merge. Jake I was pissed when you voted for me, and I was then out for blood. But, when you apologized, it did seem very genuine. Although I was hesitant to trust you after that, you seemed truly kind-hearted, and you were simply another victim of needing to keep Helios strong to combat Asteria. Ryan Never spoke to you, either, but from Rob's input during his mutiny, you sounded very "bro"-ey. Jeanne Also from Rob's mutiny stories, he seemed awfully critical of you. But from talking to others, it sounds like you were very sweet, and just you. Hopefully this proved to be a good experience for you, and you can use it for building to another adventure. Shawna This is where the game starts getting good... We barely talked. That's why you had to be targeted. You were a hit to avoid the idol, to keep the Rob/Christy/Joanna trio intact for possible future plans, and for the most competitive players to advance. Sorry that you had to be victim to that. Daniel Another victim of not talking enough to the people running the show. You switching to our side seemed like a cowardly moved to compensate for your own laziness of getting to know your own tribe. You specifically targeting me in your last immunity challenge was another misplaced move that lead to your ouster. But fundamentally, you being voted out was because a hit needed to be made to Penny/Erin's assets, because with you, and potentially Joanna joining them, too, if Rob had been voted out, they'd be too powerful and Erin could follow through on her plan to take me out before an all-Helios F4, since I was too much of a threat. I hope no hard feelings, and sorry for the blindside. Ted You are the one specific person that I feel the worst about voting out. I honestly think you may have been truthful to the you/me/Brian F3 (that is, unless you'd think one of us to be too threatening in an FTC). The issue is that the path you wanted to take to potentially get to that point was far too dangerous. It left my safety entirely in your hands, or the hands of Rob/Joanna/Christy electing to eliminate one of their own. Ideally, I'd have like to have voted out one of the Asterias instead of you, but then, we wouldn't have been able to guarantee eliminating an idol, which you gave us certainty with. That said, you played a brilliant game. For someone as soft spoken as you, you managed to survive on Asteria for two TCs as a spy. You did Helios a great service by getting us a merge majority. You had a very strong hand in the first two (and almost three) merge boots, while winning two ICs on your way to that. I am genuinely sorry that you were a victim to planning my endgame, but I have the utmost respect for the almost-secure position that you setup for yourself, and more than any other person, hope that there are no hard feelings. Erin NOOOO! I hate that this happened. But it was a great play by Christy. I feel bad, in a way, because without immunity, it would have been me in your place. I enjoyed working with you, although I knew all along that you'd have turned to take me out as a threat eventually. I was shocked that the Asterias chose to take you out instead of Brian, since that would have hurt my game far more. I actually could have seen you winning if you weren't there target here. Rob What isn't there to say about you. If, after the game, or during the FTC, you come clean about everything, and explain that the emotional manipulation was strategy, then I would have more respect for you (though I was still annoyed by it, anyways). If you actually would have stayed true to our F6/F4 plan (which I'm not doubting), I'm sorry that you and your group fell victim to my plans designed to ensure my safety in numbers. If I did go along with the plan, and you three or Asteria or whomever took me soonafter as a result, I couldn't have blamed you, and it would've been entirely my own fault. Although I think you overplayed quite a bit and overestimated your own game (as Joanna/Christy have echoed), and your social interactions with others being somewhat of a flaw (see: you slamming everyone on Asteria to Helios before you'd even met us), I did enjoy playing with you, now that the dust has settled. In a different setup of original tribes, you and I probably could have been together til the end, but like you said, this ended up being a battle of the titans, and though I'm glad that I pulled out, I'd not have been surprised with either of the possible outcomes. Christy She's amazing. In an all-Asteria F3, she'd likely have won. Hell, in an Asteria/Helios mixed F3, she'd probably still have won. She played the same game that Rob did, but had a better a less volatile relationship with others. I love how she accepts and respects practically any type of gameplay, and doesn't take it personally. I agree with that, and respect her for that mentality. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to her, and she was a great player, but too great of a competitor to potentially ruin our Helios F3, and for that, she had to be taken out before the penultimate TC. For that I'm sorry, because she deserved to make it; she was great, and I have nothing but respect. Joanna Joanna is hilarious. Her attitude and lackadaisicalness are much of the reason why the closing days of the game were so enjoyable because her persona was just so humorous. Rob never gave her much credit for her strategic game, but as it turned out, both Joanna and Christy were far superior strategists than he, and her game has been underrated. That's much of the reason that she can't make it to finals because her sitting there is a guaranteed win on likability facing an Asteria-heavy jury. |
Author: | Brenda [ Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:41:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Episode 13 |
Since these are in private, how about going the extra mile and doing the final four aswell? Yes you too. |
Author: | Helen [ Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:41:59 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Episode 13 |
Brenda wrote: I did consider keeping a "replies for Helen" thread running i the blog area but I knew I'd never keep up with you :P We *will* talk game afterwards though. Not this game - though probably that aswell - but just game theory in general. You have some intruiging viewpoints that directly oppose mine. Annnnywho, good luck at FTC, you've played a helluva game. <3 Thanks, Brenda! It's been wonderful talking to you, as well. And fascinating! I'm looking forward to those future conversations very much. I surely can't say that I'm an expect, whatever the result here, and this game (while an improvement over my younger ones, in terms of performance, not necessary placement) still has some growing to do, since although I'd like to think my social skills with the other players were on par, my strategic treatment of them can and oftentimes has resulted in social ill-will, which is an aspect of my game that I hope to improve as it can (even in this case) result in my demise in a finale or restrain me from getting to that point at all. And in terms of the actual discipline of game theory (for its purposes within the game of Survivor and beyond), I still have lots to learn, but I'm very much looking forward to do it. |
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