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Episode 09
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 11:03:53 pm 
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Congrats on surviving another shocking elimination.

How do you think this game will change after tonight's elimination?

In terms of trust, is there anyone you trust more or less after the last TC?

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Re: Episode 09
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:26:07 am 
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That vote sucked. I didn't want Daniel gone. I wanted Joanna gone more, but when I brought it up to Helen, she basically stated that we'd be the only 2 voting for her and would be trusting that Rob/Christy/Joanna actually voted for Daniel to not risk a 3-3-2 tie. And she was right, as much as I hated it and wanted to vote for Joanna and get her sent home. Ted sort of ruined that by not trusting Penny/Erin and going to Rob with the idea of taking out Daniel, which forced our hands.

The game will change a lot now. I think Erin and Penny losing Daniel forces them to come back to me and Helen more, although they are probably looking at us with a skeptical eye and possibly making other plans that they're no longer telling us about. This next vote is tough. It really is. I can't take Helen out now because I need her to help weaken Rob/Christy/Joanna who Ted may be aligned closely with now. And I want to take out one of these players the next round, but Helen wants to take out Erin/Penny. I actually have plans for Erin and Penny because I think I'd want to sit alongside Penny and Ted now in the final 3 while I want Erin to stick around because she'll be part of my plan to take out Helen whenever I can get rid of her. I also may be able to turn Erin against Penny telling her stuff that goes back to the start of the game.

Penny/Erin are telling us they want Joanna out with Christy as the backup, and Helen and I are working on coordinating with Rob/Christy to tell them how we want one of Erin/Penny out next. So I need to decide which is best for Brian because if I'm not going to have a chance of winning in the final three, what's the point of even making it there? I need to step up and make moves that are viewed beautifully that are of my own doing and not of Penny's. And then I need to come up with a good angle of a jury speech and not get stressed out, and I can.

I trust Erin/Penny less after that tribal council and everyone else the same. Erin/Penny were loyal to their words to us, but they still made a move that hurt our position in the game.

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Re: Episode 09
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:52:40 am 
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Okay, this is getting better.

Even though Ted sucks in my head and is a meh player based on trying to talk with him over PM, he's been playing a great strategic game to this point through finding idols, winning immunity challenges, and picking the target for every single vote. Maybe he's not a perfect goat to take to the finals? I'm losing all my goats here!

Now Helen wants to take out Ted, which I agree is better than Erin/Penny since I still have a lot of use for those two down the road. And Ted's idol makes it more difficult to blindside Helen. So I'm acting like I support the idea 100%, which I do, although my reasoning for it is a little different. If we take out Ted, we'll be forced to vote for one of Joanna/Christy/Rob at final 7 and it will be 4 versus 3. Then at final 6, perhaps I could work with Rob to get Helen idoled out of the game or something. Rob would easily have to go at final 5 because he's perceived as a strong player. And...I think this arrangement would work? I have angles I can use against Joanna and Penny.

Final 8 target: Ted
Final 7 target: Christy
Final 6 target: Helen
Final 5 target: Rob (me/Erin/Penny = 3/5)
Final 4 target: Erin?
Final 3: Brian, Penny, Joanna

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Re: Episode 09
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:29:30 pm 
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Helen wrote:
Sidenotes, for if this round succeeds as planned:

We should explain to the girls that we need to put a mechanism in place to make sure we go to the F4, ie. if we turn on them or they turn on us with one or two of the Asteria's (even they the Asteria wins F4 immunity, if they survived F5 on a 3-2 betrayal), we WILL NOT vote for them in finals and WILL vote for the Asteria (which along with the 4 other jury votes from Asteria, will be a blowout), so that none of us can possibly win if we let an Asteria infiltrate the group. But we'd need to pick the right time to do this to make sure we aren't shooting ourselves in the foot in case we still need to leave our options open, and I don't think we do, but I probably change my mind about that every time I have a conversation with Rob/Christy.

Assuming we do go to F4, we need to do whatever it takes to avoid a 2-2, so that means we need F3 agreements with both Erin and Penny, IMO.

For Penny, we just continue the whole "we've been together since the beginning" shit.

For Erin, we explain how Penny is batshit and shouldn't go to finals. Maybe we even sellout that Penny was in an alliance with us since Day 01 (although I'm not sure when the right time to do this is, but much later). And appeal to her sense of reason that it's in her best interests to go to finals with us so that the jurors that <3 Erin/Penny aren't split between the two of them, but instead, all line-up in Erin's box, while the jurors that <3 us (after we're blindsiding over half of them by the time we get there... I really didn't expect it to happen this way) will then be split up, increasing her chances of winning. But this approach needs to come at an opportune time, and preferably late, so as to not sour things for the Helios 4.

If you can't tell, I'd rather bring Erin to finals at this point, simply out of principle that I don't want Penny there to sell her shit that doesn't smell. Erin will get Penny/Daniel and most, and maybe, on a very, very chance day, Shawna. Penny campaigning for Erin on the jury should actually build sentiment against her, and the rest of the votes should be split between us, meaning that one of us would take it in a 4-3-0, 4-2-1, 3-3-1 (where the other of us tiebreaks), and our only risk is Erin getting Shawna and pulling ahead in a 3-2-2. Really, the same situation is true of Penny being beside us, except Erin wouldn't campaign and there's only a 90% chance she'd give her vote to Erin instead of 100%.

This isn't important for the time being, at all, but just wanted to put it on the agenda for discussing at some point.

Monstrous messages like that from Helen that aren't even relevant until at least, like, the weekend are driving me crazy to a degree where I've officially decided to make Erin a fake final 2 alliance and tell her everything immediately following tonight's vote if we get Ted out. But I'll stress we need to keep the Helios 4 together at final 7 and that she shouldn't try to set it up to get Helen out until final 6 and shouldn't warn Penny about it because of the original alliance we made wit her and how she's telling Helen (and I) everything, including how Erin wanted Helen out at final 8 when they were siding with Daniel.

Tonight will be fun.

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Re: Episode 09
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:12:48 pm 
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Helen wrote:
we WILL NOT vote for them in finals and WILL vote for the Asteria

Is this an empty threat or a legitimate warning? Would you cast a bitter jury vote, regardless of other criteria?

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Re: Episode 09
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:06:47 pm 
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I won't cast a bitter vote. Whoever gets my jury vote in the end will have to prove to me that they deserved it. I'll factor in a little personal loyalty but mainly the way they played the game. I should go through the players right now and rank them in the order that they have the best chance of getting my jury vote in, but I'm once again busy/irritated with non-game stuff so should probably take as many breaks as possible until we get close to the events tonight.

I don't think Helen will vote that bitter towards me if I take her out and then show that I'm capable of playing my own great strategic game by making it to the end without her. I could be wrong though and lose all of my shots at a jury vote if that happens, but I'll risk it. If I'm not eliminated tonight due to Penny's stupidity and how she's continuing to screw up the plan.

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Re: Episode 09
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:10:57 pm 
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What has she done now?

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Re: Episode 09
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:44:09 pm 
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She just comes up with plans and implements them without telling anyone, refusing to change them if anything goes wrong. It's smarter to be like me and say very little, just trying to get stories compared then to risk potentially screwing up her alliance's game every message like Penny is.

Everything feels too good right now. I have no nerves. Blindside coming, perhaps?

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Re: Episode 09
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:19:01 pm 
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I'm used to owning speed challenges, so I better win this.

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Re: Episode 09
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:54:11 pm 
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icon_laughing Congrats.

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