I loved your whole writeup Taj <3 I'm pretty suprised i got 7th, thanks
at those quotes. While i can't belive i was that stupid, it was definatly not a shtick at all. I admit, i have no idea what timezones are, i think i'm borederline retarted or something, and so when Poody confronted me about the game i taught that the challenges will start around nine but it was ten and then tribal around eleven, i have to wake up at 5:30 every morning for School so i was definatly in a rush. I didn't wanna ditch you guys, and i tried my best to pay attention but guess that din't work out.
at Helen, the living Encyclopedia. I just read her Confesssions, Holy Shit
I am actually reallly good in Writing but gosh i could never be able to write that much, and lol at Brian hatred of her P.M.s