I found it hard to say something for some of these people, because it is still fairly early. This is just my opinion of how things appear as of now. Some of my opinions will likely change after the season is over. For now, though, this my personal opinion on the cast.
Kourtney - Amazing

, not much else to say. Just a little tidbit about her. Those goofy hats she is wearing in the publicity videos, she knitted those herself. Here is her website, and you can see all her creations:
Funnily enough, when she was originally spoiled, I didn't like her much. She seemed like she would be bitter, and a little bitchy. After watching her video I saw she was actually sweet and sincere. She also doesn't seem bland and boring like most of the females that get cast these days.
Troyzan- I have mixed feeling about him. On one hand, I really like him. On the other hand, I can see him being Jeff's man crush and we will be seeing too much of him, and too much of a good thing can be bad. I also think that he might be too excited that he is finally playing Survivor, that he will forget he is playing Survivor. I can see there being a pivotal moment where if he just makes a certain move, he could win, but he wont because he seems too nice to make the right moves at the right time.
Leif- Leif is someone I am rooting for. I always root for the underdog. I remember back when I was in elementary school there was a basketball team of little people (and one tall black man) that toured to different schools called "The Half Pints" and they were actually very skilled athletes. I think that if they give him a chance to prove himself, maybe he could also be a valuable asset in the challenges.
Greg- He seems just so anti-social to me. He looks like a nice guy, but he might have a hard time fitting in. He is like the 63 year old version of Coach. I assume he reads a lot, because he makes some references to some classic novels, and seems very intelligent. Sometimes people like that just inadvertently isolate themselves and they just don't fit in. He is quite fit for 63, though. I can't imaging he will be terrible at every challenge like Danny Lembo.
Jay- He probably has a nifty looking invisibility cloak he brought on Survivor as a luxury item. I am sure those that find him attractive have a reason to love him, but I like girls

Colton- The guy is a douche, there is no need to be around the bush. He is a straight up douche. I don't like him, but I hope he lasts a long time. He will make the show amusing for sure. Colton will be the straw that stirs the drink, and for that reason, he will be a fun character to watch.
Sabrina- Sabrina reminds of Naonka personality wise. If Naonka were a likable human being that is. I think she will definitely be very funny behind the scenes. Hopefully she will last longer than Stacey did last season, because I only started to appreciate Stacey's humour in the episode she was voted out.
Monica- She seems nice, and likable, but probably going to hide under that same invisibility cloak Jay will be under. She can also be a target early on if the younger girls think she is too much of a parent. She is really in a tight spot, because she will probably also be targeted post merge, because of her physical strength. I think that she will have an uphill battle if she really want's to win. It is only because she will be a huge threat right from the get go.
Nina- She seems to have a feminist chip on her shoulder. I think that male-female equality is important, but she comes off as a little bitter about it. That is definitely the type of personality that can rub people the wrong way. Especially if she is very outspoken about it. If she doesn't know how to hold herself back, I don't see how she can last long in the game.
Jonas- Before the actually cast reveal, I was very excited for him. Now not so much. He just has a very monotone voice. He seems smart, but maybe too nice. I can see him falling into the classic swing vote trap of trying to make both sides happy, and he ends up getting the boot himself, because he can not make a decision of what group to stick with.
Kat- On paper, I love Kat. I really enjoyed reading her bio, especially when she said her inspiration in life was Xena, and she does seem to have a good attitude about her. Her video she comes off as slightly different, though. She was not as bubbly as she is saying she is. That could probably change on the show, and I hope it does because I really want to like her.
Kim- Kim is someone who I could see myself being friends with in person. She is very open, and speaks her mind. I think everyone watching would probably at least want to meet her for one reason, and that is to know what animal she thinks they are.
Matt- Much like Colton, Matt will be a villain. Unlike Colton, Matt will not overtly be the villain. I can see Matt being the Albert type who is very quiet and sociable at first, then he tries to pull off a big move, and it back fires on him.
Alicia- Alicia seems like she could be fun to watch. When she was bragging about it before the cast reveal, I thought she was full of it. I am starting to warm up to her now, though. She doesn't seem like the type that will take someones BS, I am hoping she gets into a few fights this season. I usually enjoy the sassy women on Survivor, so I hope she delivers the sassyness.
Bill- He seems like he has a good head on his shoulders about the game. I also love the fact that he is the first stand up comedian on Survivor. If he were smart, he would hide that from his tribe, so they don't think he is just a joker not to be taken seriously. That could be his downfall, being too funny. When you have to live with someone 24/7, it doesn't matter how funny they are, they will eventually get annoying if they are constantly making jokes.
Chelsea- I honestly don't have much to say about her. I hope she lives up to what she has been saying about herself, because it would be a nice change of pace to see a alpha female provider.
Michael- This is someone I have done a complete 180 on. I hated him before the cast release. I thought he looked like such a douche. The funny thing is, he even admits that people usually think he is a douche based on his appearance. I think that if he stays under the radar, he could get deep in the game and be a big threat to win.
Christina- Another one I have mixed feelings for. She reminds me a lot of Shii-Ann. That can be good and bad. I am a huge fan of Shii-Ann, but that means she probably wont do so well in the game, because Shii-Ann was seen as unbelievably annoying.