Ryan wrote:
Jeanne wrote:
I think Shawna voted with me, but I cannot say for sure. The vote messages were mixed. Robs (obvious) was insulting. There is something entirely fishy about the Helios-Rob connection. As for your vote Ryan, after the challenge that day (day before the tribal council were you were voted out) I message my "so -called" alliance, that I would be voting Daniel. The all came back and said no Ryan, and had me do all the dirty work.
Who was the "so-called" alliance? I felt good enough about you and Shawna voting with me but I didn`t feel good about Ted. What if anything did Shawna say to you regarding the plan to vote Daniel? Why did they say me inactivity or did they try and say they thought I was taking clues? Did you write the only nice comment on the votes?
My "so-called" alliance was supposed to be me and Shawna at the core, and Dan and Ted. But we were going to get rid of Ted, today, because Shawna and I were convinced he had an idol, and was too confident to use it. When I first said "I am voting Daniel", a lot of the responses were "why? Ryan is not showing up" Which is exactly why I wanted to vote Dan, for being useless in challenges. I wish I could say the nice comment was from me... Mine was the player comment. I started messaging the others (Joanna, Christy) about voting Dan, and they also seemed to subtly object, and "Ryan" kept coming up. So I went back to Shawna, and said, lets stick with the group, and keep our communications secret. My plan was to have Shawna, Ted, Me to vote Dan, and to bring you (Ryan) onboard to also vote Dan. Actively going against the other 3, who all wanted you (Ryan) to go. After thinking about it, and not wanted to play my hand, I went back with the group. Shawna, just did not seem to fully commit to the ousting Dan plan.