I'm assuming you want me to fill out what I'd say and not what I think others would say?
1. Who would you trust with your life?
2. Who's the most annoying?
3. Who is out of their league?
4. Who'd make the best relationship material?
um wut. Rob I guess...?
5. Who deserves to win the most?
I mean I feel like I do...?
6. Who is the biggest threat to win the game?
7. Who would be the best goat to take to the finals?
8. Who is the funniest?
Me durr
9. Who is all-stars material?
10. Who is playing up to the jury?
Oh Helen, the bane of my existence.
Did any of the group's answers to the challenge last night surprise you?
I guess only Christy for all stars instead of Helen.
Has your opinion of their perception of yourself changed since?
I don't really understand this? I was kind of threatening to both Penny/Helen last night but I've told Christy that I am ready to go to fucking war with them. I wanted to scare Helen into realizing that her strategies are incredibly predictable right now. All I can offer right now if panic so that's what I'll do. Of course I'll still ham up this ~persona~ that I have and there is no way they are ever going to see me as more of a "gamer" than Christy anyways.
With the end of the game in sight, how has your overall strategy changed, or has it? Is it still Asteria all the way, or who would you like to be sitting against at FTC?
LOL first off I know you have been waiting to repost that quote.

I honestly am not concerned about final three yet because I still feel like it's not in the cards for me? I mean Helios will most likely vote for me because I am the weakest one challenge wise and I probably couldn't beat any of them in a tiebreaker challenge. What I'd love to do is spread the rumor that the tiebreaker is past votes and threaten this shit out of Penny and maybe sway their votes towards Rob alol. But I can't do that b/c Penny would have the idol and play it with my luck.
Who do you think you can beat? Is there anyone you wouldn't mind losing to?
No one. Wut?